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Building a shed? ? Or maybe you’re finally constructing your dream home. Either way - a sturdy concrete slab is crucial to ensure a solid foundation. Without a stable start on the bottom, the rest of the building may pose a dangerous and unpredictable risk. It can also lead to irreparable structural damage. Fortunately, following a few easy tips and embracing formwork supporting technology and safety precautions throughout the process can ensure a secure slab and a permanent structure for years to come. Read on to learn more about the process of preparing and pouring a concrete slab. Inspect the soil Checking the condition...

You may hear the words ‘formwork’ and ‘falsework’ thrown around on site from time to time. While they both are used to describe supports that help to form concrete, their roles in the process differ immensely. Both falsework and formwork date back thousands of years and have been used to construct buildings, viaducts and bridges for centuries, and they still play an important role as temporary support in construction projects of today. Read on to learn more about how formwork and falsework are different, what they do and how they support buildings, big and small. What is falsework? To better understand falsework, take a...

From sheds to new homes, whether you’re working on large-scale construction projects or residential builds, concrete slabs are an absolute necessity. While it’s purpose is quite obvious - understanding the different types of concrete slabs, how thick they should be and the formwork needed to deliver a quality slab everytime can be more complex. Read on to learn more about the process. What are concrete slabs used for? Concrete slabs have become an incredibly common structural element of modern buildings. Concrete slabs provide a foundation for any building, offering thermal comfort and lifestyle advantages. Types of concrete slabs We deal with a range of slabs...

The small concrete step used at the bottom of walls or columns, a column kicker's main job is to make sure that the coordinates are maintained between floor slabs. Column kickers are only used at the position where walls and columns are constructed. In this article, we will discuss what concrete kickers are, when they’re used and other formwork solutions that can make your life easier when working on a construction project, big or small. What are column kickers? This 50mm-150mm step is provided at the base of a column or wall during the casting of a concrete slab. A column kicker helps...

Walking down the street you may have noticed before concrete on the sidewalk or road that resembles the look of a bee hive. This bumpy condition is often referred to as concrete honeycombing and causes broken bits of rock and stone on the edges of a concrete slab. While it's not always common, it can be caused by voids in concrete due to the mortar not filling the spaces between coarse particles....

We’re confident that when you make the switch to MSB Form, you’ll never look back. You’ll see immediate benefits and savings. Here are our top 6 insider tips to help ensure you maximise the benefits of using your MSB Form....

As social distancing restrictions due to Covid-19 have many of us working from home and unable to be on site, now is a time to come together and help each other through this unique situation. For many of us in construction and concreting, working inside is often not something we’re as used to. So, we thought we’d share some of our favourite ways to remain productive, efficient and effective while working from home....